Evaluation of pelvic floor dysfunction and advice on conservative management
Urodynamic testing
Stress urinary incontinence
Overactive bladder, urinary urgency and frequency and nocturia
General Gynaecology
General gynaecological check up
Menstrual disorders – menorrhagia
Pelvic pain
Vulval disorders including lichen sclerosis
Is a bladder test to establish:
Type of incontinence you have
Abnormal bladder contraction
Pre-operative assessment if you are considering surgery for incontinence or prolapse
Voiding dysfunction
Perineal Trauma
3rd/4th degree tears
Faecal and flatal incontinence
Poor healing/scarring after childbirth
Painful sex after childbirth
Robotic Surgery
The Da Vinci system offers a 3D view with enhanced precision and control for:
Complex surgery
Repeat surgery for prolapse
Advanced Pelvic floor repair
Removal of mesh
Minimal invasive technique for:
Hysterectomy (Removal of uterus)
Salpingo-oopherectomy (Removal of tubes/ovaries)
Vault suspension (Treatment of prolapse)
Sacral Neuromodulation
Retention of urine
Urinay urgency and leakage
Bowel urgency and leakage
Overactive bladder
Mona Lisa Vaginal Laser
Non surgical treatment of Atrophy
Painful sex
Vulvo vaginal discomfort